Wednesday 15 August 2012

Royal Adelaide Show debut

Maybe too early to break news for DL (dalmatian lamb) but we understand she has been approached to appear in State Wide Press to advertise and promote the State Agricultural Show.

Monday 13 August 2012

lamb and adopting father

other photos and videos on U tube

Still learning how to blog.  intend to keep this site up to date with photos and videos as she grows.  for the time being go to the utube site for yesterdays photos and short video

Breast is best for all mammals

This the dalmatian lamb's new father. This lamb has been bottle fed on specialised lamb formulae since birth.
Remember Breast is Best for all mammals. If you are enjoying this blog please donate to the Australian Breast Feeding Association

Polio Eradication

polioplus fund raising campaign video Rotary International
this lamb was always going to get getter health care than many human children. To support Rotary Internationals World campaign to eradicate Polio - The Polio Plus Campaign click on this.

Saturday 11 August 2012

This is really more the sort of thing I want to get into on this site.
If you are bored and looking for something to break the boredom then follow this site.
I will take you on jetski trips from the 90 boats to Kangaroo Island trip to narrow flooded creeks in metropolitan areas.
I will take you on Nano-light flights over the Flinder's Ranges Wilpena Pound, The Murray Mouth and Coorong, The Glass House Mountains -
I will take you to Learn to Mountain Board, Snow Board and Cross Country ski - even if - specially if you are older with time and money to do it. 

When I was 18 years old I declined to learn to play basketball as I thought then that I was too old.

Now I have worked out that at 58 years old, if I live until say 92, then I have just over 12,000 days to go.  The last 3,650 of them is unlikely to be too sporty.  The second to last 3000 is hopefully a bit better.  But realistically there are around 3650 days of high activity.

I already don't barefoot water ski - although I could - it is not often enough and a fall could take me out.  Same thing on the black mogul ski slopes.  I  have switched from hang gliding in my early days to power hang gliding - nano - lights so I don't need to do the fred flinstone thing on takeoff and landing.

Ultimately this blog will take us around Australia with my micro-light and jet-ski  .  Visiting places and doing things to fill in the boring gap between now and when I die. 

The gutters will still be there to be cleaned out when I get back.

The rig for the second field trip: from Barossa Valley to the Glasshouse Mountains

Dalmatian Lamb

Dalmatian Lamb.
Using this photo to get attention for this new Blog Site. 
It is our lamb,  But as I said to the reporters who flew from the city by helicopter to land in the paddock and who flew in from Sydney.  Why is it there are starving in the world but you can be flown in to take a picture of a lamb?   She is now 6 day's old and going well.